Simplest File Transfer
On the Planet!

Experience fast Peer to Peer (P2P) file transfer based on the WebRTC standard. Free. Secure. Fast. Open Source!


Vegh Works For You!

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Launch Vegh

Click on the "Launch App" button on the main menu to launch the Vegh Web App. Repeat the step on other devices you wish to share a file with.

Select Device(s)

Once all your devices are on the same network (or using a Private Room), simply select which devices you want to send the file. You can select multiple or all.

Send File

Select a file to send by click on "Select File" option or simply dragging a file to the dropzone. For now, only 1 file at a time.

Vegh Has Everything You Need!

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Blazing Fast Transfers

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Serverless Architecture

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Multiple Peer Transfers

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Private Rooms

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Cross-Platform Compatible

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Easy Seamless Connections

Wish to send a file to another device or person? The days of pondering and trial are over. Simply Vegh it!

Free. Secure. Unlimited. Open Source.

Send or Receive files to your heart’s content without worrying about limits or charges.

Vegh In Numbers!

Join millions of users who use Vegh daily for their file transfer needs. The numbers speak for themselves!


Data Transfered


Daily Users


